We strive to improve the protection of victims of bias motivated violence.Based on numerous interconnected and follow-up activities, we try to propose systemic legislation which wouldstrengthen the position and protection of victims of bias-motivated violence in criminal proceedings.
With the help of representative research, legal analysis and practical findings based on strategic litigation, andin cooperation with the project partner we will prepare a comprehensive legislative proposal to optimise the status and protection of victims of bias-motivated violence. Groups at risk of this type of violence will be involved in the whole process, especially LGBT+ persons and people with disabilities.
Current Situation
Victims of bias-motivated violence have limited access to justice for various reasons. These reasons include a lack of understanding and visibility of the needs of victims among the professional public and legislative change actors, as well as an inadequate approach by criminal law enforcement agencies and a lack of binding court decisions.We believe that insufficient legal regulation at the substantive law as well as procedural level is a fundamental issue. At the substantive law level, only a small number of groups at risk of bias-motivated violence are protected, while other vulnerable groups do not receive any protection (LGBT + persons, people with disabilities). The procedural rights of victims (and/or injured) do not reach such a standard that would mean sufficient protection against secondary victimisation caused during criminal proceedings.
All of the above substantially limits the victims’ chances to achieve justice and defend their own dignity, orto return back to normal life and cope with the difficult situation that any bias attack entails. Thelegal system (insufficient legislation) and its actors causethat the victims are exposed to further harm and injuries.
What We Want
- Increase the visibility of the rights and needs of victims of bias-motivated violence
- Influence the general practice of the criminal law enforcement agencies through strategic litigation
- Gain support of vulnerable groupsfrom among LGBT+ persons and people with disabilities, which is imperative for overall change implementation
- Promote substantive protection forLGBT+ victims of bias-motivated violence, as well as victims from among people with disabilities.
Who is behind the project
In IUSTITIA, o.p.s.
In IUSTITIA is a human rights non-profit organisation established in 2009. It is the only one in the Czech Republic that comprehensively addresses the topic of bias-motivated violence. It provides professional social counselling to victims of bias-motivated violence, as well as legal information in accordance with the Act on Victims of Crime, and legal representation in justified cases. It also provides training to both the professional public, mainly to police officers, social workers and other persons working with victims of bias-motivated violence, and to the general public. Last but not least, it carries out victimological research, monitoring and analysis of bias-motivated violence in the Czech Republic, with an annual report published on the situation of bias-motivated violence in the Czech Republic. Based on all implemented activities, it tries to influence legislation, namely to promote and improve access to justice not only for victims of bias-motivated violence, but for all crime victims. During its existence, it has received several important awards, such as the ERSTE Foundation Award for Contribution to Social Integration or the Alice Garrigue Masaryk Award, received by the director and founder of the organisation, Mgr. Klára Kalibová, Ph.D. for providing legal assistance to victims of bias-motivated violence.
Faculty of Law, Palacky
University in OlomoucThe modern history of the Faculty of Law of Palacky University began in 1991, when it was the first
post-revolutionary faculty of law in the then Czechoslovakia. It thus continued the long tradition of higher legal education in Olomouc, which dates back to 1679. In the Czech Republic, it has the most sophisticated system of skills and practical training starting as early as in the first year of study. The legal clinics of the faculty rank among the top ones in Europe. The aim of the faculty’s activities is to promote the values of freedom, democracy and civil society. This mission earned them the Hannah Arendt Award in 1996. In 2020, they
won the State Security Council Award for significant contribution to Czech Republic’s security policy for 2020, which acknowledged the long-term and progressive work of the faculty in international humanitarian and operational law, as well astheir efforts in security issues.
“The project is being supported by the Open Society Fund Prague from the Active Citizens Fund. The programme promotes citizens’ active participation in the public life and decision making and builds capacities of civil society organizations. It promotes respect of human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and the respect for human rights including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. Active Citizens Fund came to the Czech Republic in September 2019 with the goal to support CSOs regardless of their size and experience. It is operated by the Open Society Fund Prague, Committee of Good Will – the Olga Havel Foundation and Scout Institute. The Active Citizens Fund is financed from EEA and Norway Grants 2014–2021.
With EEA Grants, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway contribute towards a reduction in economic and social disparity and the strengthening of mutual cooperation in Europe. One of the important objectives of the programme is strengthening bilateral cooperation between donor and beneficiary states through financial contributions in specified priority sectors. It supports bilateral relations between the donor states Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein and the Czech Republic.”

In IUSTITIA, o.p.s.